Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Today was a lovely day....a bit cold for Easter but sunny at least! We started the day with finding our Easter baskets which were filled with books and chocolate and some crafty things....We then went to church and had a great service and then headed to Helen and Rob's for brunch and an egg hunt. Good times were had by all...we ate too much, but everyone had a good time! We missed Mom and Dad as they were traveling on the other side of the world..but we had a great day!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Weekend FUN!

To say that Griffin is 5 and a half and we have never dyed Easter Eggs is an embarrassment! But this weekend we did it for the 1st time! I was always nervous with his egg allergy..but we had no issues..but we did have fun! I think I was the messiest of us all! They were very proud of their creations.

Since we were in all day yesterday, we got out today. We went to a local museum at the community college, The theme was "Under the Sea" and the boys really enjoyed it! Pirate ships, fishing, dress up, climbing lighthouses...good times! Love the ages of my boys! Now if we can just get potty-trained...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


You just can't beat a week in Aruba! We had a great time...and we took Nana with us too! The weather was the best we have seen in the Caribbean...ever! The boys loved the pool and Griffin really brushed up on his ARMBANDS! WOO HOO! Kevin enjoyed the iguanas roaming around and Griffin enjoyed the movie nights with the other children! Todd and I enjoyed a night alone at a great seafood restaurant on the beach! We all loved the lazy river... here are some lazy pictures of us by the pool, in the pool, and just having a memorable time!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...