Friday, June 12, 2009

Griffin Graduates!

Leapfrog Learning Center has been a fun 3 years for he is off to Kindergarten in the fall. Graduation was great! They sang songs, received diplomas, and did a jump rope routine since they all love to jump rope! Of course I shed some tears when they recited a great poem about growing up...he was great and had a voice that carried throughout every song! We are so proud of Griffin! He is an eager learner with a fun sense of humor!

The Greatest Show on Earth

The Boys had a great time at the circus! Griffin loved seeing the dogs do tricks and Kevin liked the tigers! Other than a snow cone falling in kevin's lap it was a successful trip. Love these much to do and I know it will go quickly!

Gym TIme!

Kevin's days are winding down at Gymboree. He has loved his time with Miss Ellen and all his friends! He starts camp soon so Gymbo will come to an end! Griffin has been doing gymnastics with his school and he has really improved! I think he will continue in the fall, since he is on the small side..this may be the sport for him! These pictures were taken at his last lesson where he got a medal that he was very proud of!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...