Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Storybookland...Round 2

Good Times!
Oh No, Griffin is driving!
Inside Cinderella's Pumpkin
The boys!

Since we had such a fun trip to Storybookland last year..we went with Zachary and Ben again. The boys were great and so were the rides! Everyone had a great time and many memories were made. Since my friend Elizabeth is expecting #3 I had to go on all the rides...some went on a little too long for my liking. I even got to go the ferris wheel twice ( oh joy)! The things you do for children! Thanks Fitzgeralds for another fun trip!

Beach Days are Ending...

Chasing on the beach
My Boys!

We had a nice beach day a few days ago...the boys are getting easier and easier...and watching them is so fun! I try to tell Griffin how lucky he his to live 5 minutes from an ocean!Here are some pictures of our time on the beach. Kevin wouldn't touch the sand on Memorial Day and here he is playing in it! AHHH progress...

The Pool...Griffin swimming!

We have enjoyed the pool a lot this summer. Griffin is officially a swimmer. From the start of the summer he has come a long way. We went from no pool ( he could only swim where swim lessons took place, a 4 year olds way of thinking) to swimmies on his arms and hanging out on the steps to jumping in with nothing and swimming all over the place! We are so proud of him. Of course the bribery of a webkin was helpful! Kevin on the other hand is not afraid of much..he jumps in with nothing...of course we are there to catch him!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Beach Concert

Last night we had a great time at the beach. Our church got together and ate dinner on the beach and listened to a live band as the sun set. It was great! Lots of children playing and some great fellowship! The picture of the flag has Griffin sitting underneath it...so cute! Good times had by all!

"Getting Cozy"

Just a couple of cute pictures of our boys. Griffin and Kevin love our bed..no idea why..but it is such a treat for them that after "tubby" they come and "get cozy" in our bed. The boys have been very sweet together lately..I think it is because Kevin is really saying a lot now and they can chat together, there isn't a lot of frustration anymore. I have to capture the sweet times! LOL

It is August!!!??

Where has time gone? Just some quick updates on what we have been up to. Griffin is a camp 2 full days and loving it. I am trying to prepare him for the 4 full days he will be starting in the fall. In between we are heading to the pool and we started taekwondo. We have been doing that 3 times a week and he really likes it. So we will see where it takes us in the fall with our schedules! I will post pool pictures another time. Griffin is swimming without any help and it is great! This is such a fun age seeing all of his milestones. Amazing how time flies!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...