Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Phew...It is sad to say, but I am ready for the holidays to be that bad? I am pooped! We all had a wonderful Christmas with many fun presents and special memories made with family. We hate not being able to share the holidays with our SC family but they are so generous and understanding about the boys being home for Christmas!

The boys received an Arctic Cat, power wheels ride on! We thought Griffin would like it more than Kevin, not the case, Kevin wouldn't get off of it to open Santa's gifts. The car was from us, with other bits and bobs, and I received a new camera and MANY other treats from Todd and my family. We are so fortunate to have so many blessings!

Here are some pictures of Christmas Eve at our house and then Christmas at Helen's. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We will continue to keep you all posted in 2008!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Kevin goes to see Chuckee!

We are not big Chuckee Cheese people, we go maybe once a year, however the boys love it!! We went with some friends this year as a fun Christmas playdate. Kevin has never been, well he loved it! Just wanted to share some pics of our fun day out with James and Catherine!

Tis the Season

Tis the season for many church happenings! These pictures crack me up because we have Griffin singing in the little children's choir (run by my dad, Pop) and then we have some other pictures in the nativity play. The choir pictures are so angelic of Griffin and then we have him picking his nose at the nativity play!! Take a close look, his back is to the camera! I had to share these, so typical of a 4 year old! However he isn't a nose picker!! Any child that could walk was able to be in the play too. So Kevin was a sheep, a lost sheep, but nonetheless, a sheep. Neither of my lambs wanted to wear their hat, so it is hard to tell what they are! He wandered quite a bit, so Todd was the overgrown sheep on the alter! Thanks Todd!! This is how we spent our 7 year Anniversary! Seven years ago it was a beautiful service, now my husband was taming the flock! Oh how times change, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Who am I Tutoring?

As you may or may not know I do tutoring on the side to make some fun money. It works out usually because Todd can get home to help out with the boys while I tutor, well not tonight! I have to say my boys were so good. They just wanted to be part of it all. Kevin watched and Griffin helped Jessica with the math manipulatives...what a hoot! I am so happy that the parents of these students of mine are so understanding!! Had to share this cute picture!

What's Happening?

Well life has been a bit crazy with all the hustle and bustle of the fall season! Nana came for a visit during Todd's birthday, poor guy never seems to remember how old he is turning...anyway we had a nice visit with Mary, didn't do much, but she just wanted to spend time with the boys.


My son is 4 and has never like ice cream, well that is no longer!! Every day he asks for ice cream!! FINALLY! I still have to look at ingredients with this new obsession b/c eggs are in it!! So his favorite is cookies and cream and I thought I would add a picture of him enjoying his new love!


I swear that sometimes Kevin is part Italian...He ISN'T, however he loves anything italian!! So here he is eating baked ziti...he ate his and then finished Griffins! No wonder I ate pizza my entire pregnancy!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Larry and Bob

The boys with their cousin Ian
Griffin and Zachary
The only picture of them together!

Phew....I have to say I am glad that Halloween is over! The boys had a great day. We started off at Griffin's school for a parade, went out for lunch with Grammy and then had rest! Griffin's friend Zachary came over we did some trick or treating and then took a visit to Aunt Helen's to see Tyler and Ian. Back home for dinner and more trick or treating with our neighbors! Phew....what a great day. Every house we left, Griffin would then yell...."next house, let's go!" Kevin wanted to join in the fun, but we would have only done 3 houses without the help of the wagon. So Kevin did a few homes, and enjoyed his lollipop in the wagon.

Let's see Griffin was called a green m&m, a pickle and a zucchini, Kevin was a called a pumpkin! Are pumpkins red? Put it this way, not many people have heard of Veggie Tales. The boys had fun and that is all that here is Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Would Like to Introduce "Ken"

Here we are carving our 1st pumpkin. I am finding this year that Griffin being 4 is really starting to get stuff. He was so excited about carving the pumpkin with Daddy. Here they are working on "Ken". Griffin named him that as we put him outside. He didn't want Ken to face the road he wanted to look at him from the door on the inside. I think he has a new friend! Kevin was lurking around while this was going on, knowing he was missing out on something. Trick or Treating should be fun since he really is enjoying all the fun things about being a kid! The other day he told me he will be 10 soon like his cousin Tyler, I told him there is NO RUSH! Enjoy being little, I know I am enjoying it all over again with these little boys of mine!

Back in the Groove

It has taken me so long to post because I was away with my college girlfriends. I went up to the Finger Lakes in NY and what a great time! I needed the break and thanks to Grammy and Todd it happened! The boys were so good while I was away and the smiles when I came back made me melt! Thanks Elizabeth for a great time, here is a picture of me and the girls outside a winery...where else?!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Griffin is FOUR!!!

Amazing how fast time goes....Griffin turned 4 today and he was such a good boy. He listened, behaved, shared, loved and played all day! He is such a sweet little boy, I know I am biased, but he is just a wonderful little boy. He was so grateful for his party and gifts. Tonight when we were putting him to bed he said "I am almost 5 now". This is a little boy who didn't want to be 4 last week. I told him, "Don't grow up so fast, enjoy it Griff!" I then

went to tell him how fortunate he is to have such nice friends to share his day with, and he said, "I am a lucky boy right mom?" I look at these pictures I say "Absolutely!"

He had a great day at school and then we prepped for his 20 friends to come for a party. The children had a ball, they bounced in the bouncy house, played pin the funnel on Thomas, they enjoyed getting tattoos and they all enjoyed hitting a pinata! It was such a fun party, and thanks to all of my great friends and family, clean up was bearable!! Not sure how crazy everyone was about my whistle, but hey it is a train party and it worked getting the children rallied up! Here are some shots from our fun-filled day! Thanks to everyone who helped me out!!

Love the one of Kevin giving Griffin his Birthday kiss, Griffin sleeping with some favorite gifts, check out the tattoo on his arm...and of course the whistle shot is a classic!

Kevin's 1st Hayride

I love this sweet face!

This past Saturday we took a family trip to the Pumpkin Patch. The boys enjoyed the hayride and Griffin enjoyed picking out our family pumpkins. Kevin enjoyed walking while the ride was moving, a little exhausting but fun! It was a couple of hours out of our weekend but it was my highlight! I love being with my boys! Here are some pics of my cute men!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Griffin Enjoying Soccer

Thanks to my friend Allyson, I got Griffin involved in a USA (United Soccer Academy). He goes for an hour a week and learns skills. He seems to enjoy it. Thanks to Aunt Helen we have the cute soccer shorts and shin guards, however on Griffin they are knee/shin guards, he's got short legs! So here were are right b/4 nap time for Kevin, don't worry the lovey (blanket) got washed when we got home. Whatever works to make it through. It is so fun watching Grififn work at something and enjoy it!

My Treasures!

I treasure these times with Griffin, because I realize he is growing up and our afternoons in the future will be doing homework and running all over town. So Griffin and I have time together in the afternoon to play games and such while Kevin naps. In these pics were are working on puzzles and making sentences. He is so funny with a fun sense of humor. We had such a good time making funny sentences....then Kevin wanted to join in.. Kevin too is not so much a baby anymore...oh how I treasure these times!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Gymboree with Kevin

It is our second week at Gymboree and Kevin is having a ball! I always did music classes with Griffin since that was more his interest, well climbing and dancing is more Kevin's interest. He is like wrestling an alligator! So even though it is his second week he has mastered everything in the place...He is so much more outgoing than Griffin, I love how they are both so different! I also love having this one on one time with my baby! I look forward to it each week, he is a gem!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"I Want to be a Teacher"

This week Griffin has been on a new kick. He wants to be a teacher. He loves school and he is beginning to read everything. Today he came down to the basement to tell me he was reading to the kids upstairs. I was a bit perplexed so I went upstairs and there he was reading to his trains. Later in the day he and Kevin were getting ready to have a bath and he was sitting on my bed with Kevin showing him the book and telling him to "sit on his name!" in a very stern voice. This is what his teacher says to the children in class at circle time. Of course Griffin is glued to his name and NEVER moves!
Well later in the day we had a bedtime battle and I told him that maybe his "friends" would like to hear a story. So, he lined up Blue, Clifford, Mickey, Wishbone, a couple of bears and of course Lamby and "played teacher". I had to capture is precious! I told him I was a teacher before he was born and he didn't believe me!

By the way Kevin is doing fine...into everything...he will be my next blog when i capture him being mischievous!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...