Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Phew...It is sad to say, but I am ready for the holidays to be that bad? I am pooped! We all had a wonderful Christmas with many fun presents and special memories made with family. We hate not being able to share the holidays with our SC family but they are so generous and understanding about the boys being home for Christmas!

The boys received an Arctic Cat, power wheels ride on! We thought Griffin would like it more than Kevin, not the case, Kevin wouldn't get off of it to open Santa's gifts. The car was from us, with other bits and bobs, and I received a new camera and MANY other treats from Todd and my family. We are so fortunate to have so many blessings!

Here are some pictures of Christmas Eve at our house and then Christmas at Helen's. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We will continue to keep you all posted in 2008!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Kevin goes to see Chuckee!

We are not big Chuckee Cheese people, we go maybe once a year, however the boys love it!! We went with some friends this year as a fun Christmas playdate. Kevin has never been, well he loved it! Just wanted to share some pics of our fun day out with James and Catherine!

Tis the Season

Tis the season for many church happenings! These pictures crack me up because we have Griffin singing in the little children's choir (run by my dad, Pop) and then we have some other pictures in the nativity play. The choir pictures are so angelic of Griffin and then we have him picking his nose at the nativity play!! Take a close look, his back is to the camera! I had to share these, so typical of a 4 year old! However he isn't a nose picker!! Any child that could walk was able to be in the play too. So Kevin was a sheep, a lost sheep, but nonetheless, a sheep. Neither of my lambs wanted to wear their hat, so it is hard to tell what they are! He wandered quite a bit, so Todd was the overgrown sheep on the alter! Thanks Todd!! This is how we spent our 7 year Anniversary! Seven years ago it was a beautiful service, now my husband was taming the flock! Oh how times change, Merry Christmas!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...