Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Griffin is FOUR!!!

Amazing how fast time goes....Griffin turned 4 today and he was such a good boy. He listened, behaved, shared, loved and played all day! He is such a sweet little boy, I know I am biased, but he is just a wonderful little boy. He was so grateful for his party and gifts. Tonight when we were putting him to bed he said "I am almost 5 now". This is a little boy who didn't want to be 4 last week. I told him, "Don't grow up so fast, enjoy it Griff!" I then

went to tell him how fortunate he is to have such nice friends to share his day with, and he said, "I am a lucky boy right mom?" I look at these pictures I say "Absolutely!"

He had a great day at school and then we prepped for his 20 friends to come for a party. The children had a ball, they bounced in the bouncy house, played pin the funnel on Thomas, they enjoyed getting tattoos and they all enjoyed hitting a pinata! It was such a fun party, and thanks to all of my great friends and family, clean up was bearable!! Not sure how crazy everyone was about my whistle, but hey it is a train party and it worked getting the children rallied up! Here are some shots from our fun-filled day! Thanks to everyone who helped me out!!

Love the one of Kevin giving Griffin his Birthday kiss, Griffin sleeping with some favorite gifts, check out the tattoo on his arm...and of course the whistle shot is a classic!

1 comment:

The Morrisons said...

Happy birthday Griffin!!!! You are a lucky boy! What a wonderful family you have!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...