Thursday, September 13, 2007

"I Want to be a Teacher"

This week Griffin has been on a new kick. He wants to be a teacher. He loves school and he is beginning to read everything. Today he came down to the basement to tell me he was reading to the kids upstairs. I was a bit perplexed so I went upstairs and there he was reading to his trains. Later in the day he and Kevin were getting ready to have a bath and he was sitting on my bed with Kevin showing him the book and telling him to "sit on his name!" in a very stern voice. This is what his teacher says to the children in class at circle time. Of course Griffin is glued to his name and NEVER moves!
Well later in the day we had a bedtime battle and I told him that maybe his "friends" would like to hear a story. So, he lined up Blue, Clifford, Mickey, Wishbone, a couple of bears and of course Lamby and "played teacher". I had to capture is precious! I told him I was a teacher before he was born and he didn't believe me!

By the way Kevin is doing fine...into everything...he will be my next blog when i capture him being mischievous!


The Hiatt Family said...

As if you couldn't tell he was yours by just looking at him!

Natty Pap said...

I love it! Reading is Fundamental, even if you're reading to trains. Griffin is so cute and funny!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...