Thursday, November 1, 2007

Larry and Bob

The boys with their cousin Ian
Griffin and Zachary
The only picture of them together!

Phew....I have to say I am glad that Halloween is over! The boys had a great day. We started off at Griffin's school for a parade, went out for lunch with Grammy and then had rest! Griffin's friend Zachary came over we did some trick or treating and then took a visit to Aunt Helen's to see Tyler and Ian. Back home for dinner and more trick or treating with our neighbors! Phew....what a great day. Every house we left, Griffin would then yell...."next house, let's go!" Kevin wanted to join in the fun, but we would have only done 3 houses without the help of the wagon. So Kevin did a few homes, and enjoyed his lollipop in the wagon.

Let's see Griffin was called a green m&m, a pickle and a zucchini, Kevin was a called a pumpkin! Are pumpkins red? Put it this way, not many people have heard of Veggie Tales. The boys had fun and that is all that here is Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato!

1 comment:

The Hiatt Family said...

Down here in the Bible belt everyone would have known who those two cute fellas were! :) Adorable. So glad y'all enjoyed the festivities!

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

Griffin enjoying the wade pools

All my boys...

All my boys...

Hitting the waves

Doing what boys do best...